Saturday 7 April 2012

RANDOM : queen bey unveils her new official website and it looks uh-mazing!

so beyoncé has unveiled her new, updated official website and it looks awesome! she put a note on it stating that it had been a "long time in the making" and from the layout, to the quality of the design, you can tell a lot of work has gone into it.

so while i was trawling around the new beyhive, i discovered that a great emphasis has been put on showcasing each album's artwork. you can scroll through each release:

once selected, the track listing emerges on top of a crystal clear, high quality version of the associated album's cover.  

you can then select to expand the rest of the album's artwork...

...and you can then scroll through and relive the sumptuous images of all her releases!

from the fashionista images of '4'

to the 2003 realness of 'dangerously in love'

snaps to bey, i've lost many an hour reconnecting with all her old pieces, music and artwork. others should take note! check it out at!

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